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We Can Help With Your Spouses IRS Tax Debt
[fl_builder_insert_layout id=”15844″ type=”fl-builder-template”] SELECT SERVICESYes, We Can Help With Your Spouses IRS Tax Debt
[fl_builder_insert_layout id=”15844″ type=”fl-builder-template”] SELECT SERVICESDoes Your Spouse Owe Back Taxes?
Are you married to someone who owes taxes? Was your refund seized to pay your spouse’s tax debt? You could be an innocent or injured spouse if the tax debt is not yours. If you are a non-liable spouse and the debt is not yours the IRS could still inquire about your finances to see if you could help pay your spouse’s debt. If you are in a community property state the IRS can levy your account once to pay your spouse’s debt.
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The Tax Defense Group – Offering a full range of Tax Relief, Tax Preparation and Tax Audit Services
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Tax PreparationAudit RepresentationFresh Start InitiativeWage GarnishmentBank LevyBack TaxesStatute of LimitationsInnocent SpouseSocial Security LevyPension LevyState Wage GarnishmentDrivers License SuspendedInstallment PlansLien SubordinationPayroll TaxForeign BankingRevenue Officer AssignmentAudit ReconsiderationState Bank LevyTax Lien FilingLien WithdrawalOffer in CompromiseCurrently Not CollectiblePenalty AbatementTax NegotiationTax ResolutionTrust Fund Recovery
Contact our Experts to Discuss your Tax Debt
Contact our team of professionals about your spouses tax debt or obligations to find out more or see what you can do to protect yourself.